
American Filmmaker Links: John Cassavetes

— from the documentary I'm Almost Not Crazy

Ray Carney on Cassavetes

— An interview with Playboy Magazine, as archived by this website, across 13 pages has this highlight right up front:
Look, this isn't a cop-out—at least I don't think it is—but I tune out directors I hate until I forget their names. I remember all the directors I've ever liked working with as an actor—guys like Don Siegel and Robert Aldrich. The thing I feel directors have to realize today is that they must become like The Beatles: They must write their own material. It's really incredible that directors would allow someone else to write their scripts for them. I can understand that happening when a guy starts out, I suppose, but to make a career out of directing other people's work is all wrong.

— Aquarello, at Strictly Film School, writes on Faces, A Woman Under The Influence, and Love Streams

— Joe Leydon offers this "Lost Interview" from 1985, a time near the end of his life, which touches on his waning, among other things, as when he says, "Not having as much energy is very frustrating. I used to have enormous energy and could accomplish a great deal. Now it takes me a longer period of time to accomplish what I could accomplish in a very, very short time. Outside of that—the rest of it—well, that’s life."

some aphoristic quotes

— At Senses of Cinema, a few pieces of note by: Matthew Clayfield on Opening Night, Philippe Lubac on Cassavetes and Maurice Pialat, Christos Tsiolkas on three books concerning our hero, Gilberto Perez on two books

Zach Campbell and Matthew Clayfield offer two "Cassavetes Letters"

The Criterion Collection Box

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